It’s been a week of ups and downs.
We started off the week with some torrential rains. While we definitely needed the moisture, it came down in buckets. And it came a day before we finished planting too. We had an employee not show up for work this season and tell us they found another job. We were counting on the help. And a last minute trip to pick up boxes cost a whole lot more than I imagined. Everything always does.
On the other hand, the farm is looking absolutely great. Our crops are a little behind schedule – like most farms in the area – due to spring’s cool weather. What we have in the ground, though, is well weeded and our first share of the season is a great first step.
And our crew is amazing. They are smart. They are hard working. They are motivated. They are focused. On a farm like ours, we have lots of moving pieces. We grow over 50 different crops and each is planted, watered, weeded and harvested differently. This season’s crew is one of our very best and they are working every single day – since March – to help our farm succeed. Farming is hard work. They go home tired. They do an outstanding job.
Our CSA shares start this week. The first week is always super exciting. There’s alot of pressure to have lots of variety and the timing is always difficult to get right. We think we put out a fantastic share this week and there will be lots more where that came from. We weren’t named Chicago’s “Best Local Farm” for nothing, you know?