September 9, 2015
One of my favorite books of all time is titled,”Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong” by James Loewen. I loved history in high school. I had enthusiastic and interesting… September 9, 2015
One of my favorite books of all time is titled,”Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong” by James Loewen. I loved history in high school. I had enthusiastic and interesting… September 9, 2015
In so many ways, Christina and I are blessed with this farming opportunity. We have abundant sunshine and we are surrounded by good people. We do good work. We’re making a difference – if only… September 2, 2015
I remember my first pepper crop. The summer of 2006. It was an unmitigated disaster. It was my very first year farming and the pepper seedlings were pathetic. I had so much going on that… August 26, 2015
Some pictures from the farm to brighten your day
I was getting all ready to rant about the weather this week when… it turned absolutely beautiful. Really, this past week or two have been really nice (okay, they have been very, very dry –… August 12, 2015
Tuesdays are one of my favorite days on the farm. For one, it’s not Monday (a nutty day trying to catch up from missed opportunities over the weekend) or Thursday (another nutty day for nutty… August 5, 2015
Late July is an important time on the farm. Our spring crops – the hardest ones to grow – are mostly finished. We had a great spring on the farm. Lots of greens and carrots… July 29, 2015
I get emails every so often asking how to use up the produce that comes without wasting. For some folks, this is not a problem while others face a challenge. Let me take a moment… July 22, 2015
I believe one of the greatest truths in this world is that all is well when in balance. Its truth reveals itself everywhere in nature. The way plants receive the perfect amount of light and… July 15, 2015
Lots of work for these farm hands so a short newsletter. Enjoy the pictures!
Of course, I am going to write about the Chicago Reader this week. This spring, families across Chicagoland voted in the “Best of Chicago” reader’s poll. For those of you living in a very deep… July 1, 2015
Oh, the rain! It just will not stop. All local farms have been getting swamped with rain this season. It creates a myriad of challenges for growing vegetables. As a city kid, I remember it… June 24, 2015
Loyal readers know that we’re trying to grow the farm. In fact, we’re looking for another 150 CSA members this season. We need this support to make our farm financially sustainable. Christina and I got… June 17, 2015
It’s been a week of ups and downs. We started off the week with some torrential rains. While we definitely needed the moisture, it came down in buckets. And it came a day before we… June 10, 2015
Spring has been a very exciting time at the farm. Spring brings hope and renewal that stirs in the hearts of every man, woman, child, bird, worm, spider, bee, chicken, thistle, clover, honeysuckle…. we can… June 1, 2015